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your APPLICATION GUIDE ULTRASLING iV® APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Before using this device please read the following instructions completely and carefully. The UltraSling IV ER maintains the shoulder and arm in an externally rotated position and provides immobilisation for rotator cuff repairs, capsular shifts, The Ultrasling ER is for use after initial shoulder dislocation or post-operatively when external rotation is desired. 4. 2. 1 your APPLICATION GuIDE. ULTRASLING® III Before using this device please read the following instructions completely and carefully.DonJoy® UltraSling® PRO ER/IR BEFORE USING THE DEVICE, PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE COMPLETELY AND Secure thumb strap (iv) between thumb. of shoulder immobilization products. APPLICATION. your. Before using this device please read the following instructions completely and carefully. Correct PDF Content Summary: DONJOY® ULTRASLING® IV ER Patient Application Instructions APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: To ensure proper fit, product should be sized on For protocols involving immobilization in external rotation, the UltraSling ER IV was designed to provide a comfortable proper fit—every time.
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